Get Involved
It goes without saying that our success to date could not have been achieved without a generous bunch of people who are willing to share their time and talent to preserving Paradise for future generations.
Find out how you can help below.
Help keep Paradise ours!

Volunteer Day
Throughout the year we have ‘Volunteer Days’ where we all roll up our sleeves together and do a whole lot of jobs around the property.
Anything from painting, gardening, sewing, chopping wood to moving a good old Kiwi long drop.
If you would like to get involved, please drop us an email or subscribe to the Paradise Post so you can keep up to date with what is happening out at Paradise.

We sometimes have opportunities for day volunteering outside our regular full on Volunteer Days.
If you or your friends are interested in coming out for a few hours to help in any way, please get in touch with the Paradise team.
The video below is from two of our volunteers that came in Feb 2018

If you have a business that will fit with, or compliment Paradise’s goals, we would love to hear from you. We are always keen to collaborate and support local businesses or initiatives.
We also work with local activity operators and can help create itineraries for your stay here and/or book your activity for you.

Sponsorship & Donations
As a charitable trust, Paradise Trust is grateful for any donations or sponsorship it receives.
All money received, goes into the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of the property.
Please talk to us if you are:
• Wanting to make a financial donation
• Keen to contribute to pest control work or biodiversity projects.
• Interested in sponsoring an event
• Having a clean out and have some items that would enhance the property

Paradise Post
The Paradise Post is a newsletter that we distribute via our email database. The newsletter is something we send out at the change of season or when there is a lot of special or interesting news out at Paradise. If you would like to receive the Paradise Post please subscribe here

Getting Social
We love great yarns and photos so please tag us in your Paradise posts or follow us.
FACEBOOK @paradisetrustnz
INSTAGRAM @paradise_trust_nz