About Paradise Trust
The Paradise Charitable Trust was formed in 1998 to preserve and enhance the unique features of Paradise for all visitors – particularly children and families.
The Trust aims to preserve the Paradise environment as one that encourages guests to experience a simpler and more contemplative way of life.
In maintaining and developing Paradise, the Trust is guided first by the wishes of the late David Miller and second by the principles laid down in the Trust’s conservation and landscape plans.
Paradise Trust operates on a not-for-profit basis. All funds, other than those required for essential running costs, are used exclusively for the enhancement of the property.
Yesterday, Today, & The Future

David Miller
In 1998 the late David Miller created the Paradise Trust in order to preserve this property in perpetuity.

Since the late 1800s Paradise has been the perfect place for people seeking the tranquility of an accessible wilderness experience.

Biodiversity Projects
Paradise Trust has established several biodiversity projects to tackle predator, noctious weeds, and regeneration of native species.

Sponsorship & Donations
As a charitable trust, Paradise Trust is grateful for any donations or sponsorship it receives.
All money received goes into the ongoing maintenance and enhancement of the property.
Please talk to us if you are:
• Wanting to make a financial donation.
• Keen to contribute to pest control work or biodiversity projects.
• Interested in sponsoring an event.
• Having a clean out and have some items that would be right at home in Paradise.

keep in the loop
From time-to-time we distribute an email newsletter. If you would like to receive this please subscribe here:

Getting Social
We love great yarns and photos so please tag us in your Paradise posts.
FACEBOOK @paradisetrustnz
INSTAGRAM @paradise_trust_nz