Paradise Trust
Accessible Wilderness Accommodation
Paradise is about connecting and disconnecting all at the same time.
Connecting with nature and disconnecting from the routines of today, even if it is just for a little while.
To experience Paradise, we offer several accommodation options: Off the grid backcountry style huts and historic cottages, or you can indulge in our boutique accommodation, which offer all the comforts of today with a little touch of the past.
Paradise has something for everyone and has been enjoyed by wilderness seekers for generations. Some accommodation is suitable for people with mobility issues.
If you don’t have time to stay overnight, you may visit during the day and enjoy a short walk around the property to give you an accessible wilderness experience
We are a charitable trust and appreciate any donation you can give to help us with the maintenance of the property.
Explore Paradise






About Paradise Trust
The Paradise Charitable Trust was formed in 1998, after the death of David Miller, to preserve and enhance the unique features of Paradise for all visitors, particularly children and families.
The Trust aims to preserve the Paradise environment as one that encourages guests to experience a simpler and more contemplative way of life.
In maintaining and developing Paradise, the Trust is guided first by the wishes of the late David Miller and second by the principles laid down in the Trust’s conservation and landscape plans.
Paradise Trust operates on a not-for-profit basis. All funds, other than those required for essential operating costs, are used to contribute to the enhancement and sustainability of the property.